judge me based on my recent emojis.
B.O.B at early TH11
Got the first legendary today
Another day,another clown
Supercell! Let's do a deal. Give one guaranteed Legendary chest to everyone and we'll be happy.
wait... handsome gentlemen and beautiful women
Hostel or Home
What dragon level has the best design?
What is your comfort film (Indian)
I need suggestions, help please ?
OP cooked a meal for the first time
My Female friend proposed me?
It's my birthday!Giving away 6k to someone who truly needs it 🫶🏻
Earned the tag of ✨️17F✨️
I only have myself
Pro tip for students: Do not boil eggs that float on water.Make omellete off them.
How to attack this as CH6
Spilll theee teaa
5 out of 16 Super Troops Collected, let's see how long it takes to have all 16 together at the same time...
Idc how easy it is to climb nowadays. Have had this acc since 2015 and finally made it to Legend.
This post is a dating show!
Movie night with my long distance gfff
Longest friendship of your ever have?? (Mine is 13+yrs…)