Anyone have a Zygarde (path OR ‘mon) for Dynamax Adventures?
Anyone ever SR their game before actually talking to the legendary? Was on autopilot and have done it a few times over the last week. Hopefully the shiny wasn’t in 1 of those few encounters I skipped😖
This track runner claims she didn't mean to hit the other runner with the baton on purpose
shiny giratina pokeball
Absolutely insane luck today! I started my dream team soul silver quest today and only 3 hours after receiving my shiny totodile, I run into this beautiful little odd colored birdy and i couldn’t be happier!🍀
Looking for ziongrade 10% form (the dog)
Can I reset when shiny hunting in shield
[talk] what shiny Pokémon are obtainable on the 3ds but not the switch
Got my first EVER Fender Stratocaster!
How many dynamax pokemon should be on my team?
[8] After many hours, my lil squad is complete! (3324, 1311, 947 and 2293 revives!)
Fake zygarde?
What’s people’s issue with packers?
[Gen 8] She finally decides to show up after 8 resets
I thought it was just a fan joke
[7] Phases 211-220 for the 1% Salamence
Should i pick this move and if so. What should i change it with?
Does anyone know why there to screen for platinum and this is my first time playing it as a 2011 kid now here in 2025
Is this a good team for Leon?
[9] You're not the shiny I'm looking for...
Lysandre Cafe in Legends Z-A
I'm afraid of going to hell for being gay
Can I shiny hunt the overworld spawns in the Wild Area by simply resetting
People who have locked-in on a starter as of now, what do you think could make you sway into picking one of the other starters when the games releases?
Fishing spot shiny odds?