If you had to survive as long as possible, which map you picking and what real world items would you bring with you 🤔
I’m sure we can all agree on what the worst is🤣 but what is the best Wonder Weapon🤔
Guess who this man is (wrong answers only)
What’s your favorite elemental weapon from zombies? (WaW-CW)
What Black Ops has the best Zombie experience? 🤔
What is the first Easter Egg you ever completed ? And if you haven’t done one which one(s) would you like to ? 🧐
If you woke up in the Zombies universe, what map would you be able to survive the longest in ? 🤔
Name this Star Wars ship
What perk(s) has the best jingle 🤔
If you woke up in BO3 Zombies, what would you do?
In the Chronicles remakes, what’s the worst remake and the best remake 🧐
Is it fair to say that between Eminem and Nicki, Em is the better lyricist, but Nicki is generally better to jerk off to?
In your opinion what’s the best and worst Treyarch zombies maps 🤔
If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life which one would it be?
been playing too much origins
Describe your dick with an Eminem song
I need help with the DE EE