How am I supposed beat the event
Em or atk
I guess it’s fine for now
This is what two straight months of farming has gotten me. How is he?
Question about boothill's current state.
Finally got a decent build
1 month into the new domain
Finally, I have them all
Didn't expect this
Idc I'll still play it to shit
Which side are you on
truly one of the goblets of all time
500 hours in and I just realized that if you sprint at a low-level enemy there would be no battle (yes, outside of mementos)
i like cumpiss fragrance
She's just like me fr
just a friendly reminder that this line is actually in the game :)
I in fact do, do a little bit of trolling. how could you tell?
I had bought Crimebuster and still didn't get the alch skin.
this was funnier in my head
1-More Edition for P5R -Shipping Late Nov
It captures a feeling too difficult to describe.
he's finally home
i let people into my world for farming, and this is what i get.
79 pity and I get this 😭