Did ranked get harder somehow??
DPS only players just need to quit
What the hell is going on!?
People who rage quit on competitive need a much more severe punishment
Do y’all mainly solo queue or mainly play with friends?
Solo queue ranked is impossible
If you can’t finish a game don’t start it
Hard stuck in ranked
Worst stretch of matches
The reason ur stuck in bronze
A little rant about rage quitters
What have you been playing lately?
Tired of losing
Is it just me or have servers been laggy today?
Wonder if PlayStation users will get a free car voucher on launch
Forza Horizon 5 is now available for pre-order
My unrealistic rebuild with the Chargers
Premium Edition Question
Forza Horizon 5 preorders are live.
$60 for Forza Horizon 5 on Ps5
Replaying for the first time since 2023
How Will Green Goblin Be A Threat In Spider-Man 3?
[God of War] Another one
Any tips on how to beat sigrun?