Lyft prices out of SeaTac this evening to downtown Seattle
Downtown Seattle was not like my conservative uncle claimed.
Hit with SeaTac Uber surge, yikes
Lyft prices from Seatac last night
Cheapest way to ship boxes across country
Best cobbler in Seattle?
What Trader Joe’s Sheet Cake Would You Like To See Next?
My hysterectomy is Thursday morning, I told my boss I'm gonna try to be back on Monday, is that like way too soon?
Rude Nurse
Anyone else take way to many of these back in the day cramming for tests
Massive Fire Response in Cap Hill
Fire in Capitol Hill
What was your weird latchkey food?
my dog is untrainable and i’m so frustrated.
I was sent this document 2 days into a sitting for a cat. I was told she had a health condition but I wasn't aware of the extent of care beforehand
Did your shoulder sound like grinding rocks in the thawing stage?
Just bought an older vehicle. Where can I find some cassettes that aren't more than $5 a piece?
GenX Question: Were you ever a cigarette smoker and if so, did you quit or do you still smoke?
A band name where every member is lactose intolerant
Second hand furniture on the Northshore
How to hide a pill? Pup keeps spitting it out.
Has anyone tried extreme fixes?
A bandname for a band where everyone is a ginger