मी सांगितलं, त्यांनी टाकला .
So my zomato devilvery guy's name was ...
Aurangabad: Pitbull Ferociously Attacks Lactating Mother Stray Dog In Front Of Owner. What are your views on this?
Wtf, youtube?????
NSE = Loss , BSE = Profit ?
Why It's Recommended to Me 😭
Humans Of Bombay
Hindu guy fed up with loudspeaker enters mosque to turn it off
Copied from other subs. What’s your answer?
Completed one year of investing!
Rate me pls (f18)
Do you guys think Maharashtra state should be divided into three parts for ease of adminstration and development of vidharba and marathwada
Man trips and gets caught by train
Alauddin Khilji defended India from the invading Mongols five times
ese logo ko zinda jala dena chahiye
Bro’s cheeks all out before a brutal ko 💀
Indian bro commenting everywhere as a Dutch lol
PS5 + Horizon in 44000
There's no way this is real right?
This is what my gaming room looks like after few changes. (Sneakers collection pics coming soon) as requested.
You think there is only one de Niro
Another masterstroke.
Lotus position