Thank you all!
I keep going back and forth, please help!
Baby girl names with vibes like these?
FC no longer serving snacks?
Alaska Airlines should do something similar to Spotify Wrapped
Lounge Etiquette question
Getting paid to move flight
ABGT 600 Pre-Sale Mega Hype / Rage Thread
What are the biggest difficulties you have as a nurse?
What's a record you think you've got? And who thinks they can beat it?
Pediatric New Grad Programs in Northern California?
Should I feel guilty for calling off?
How’s the mosquito situation?
I’m giving away all of my trinkets today randomly ! No trade required ! Spot me with my bear hat today!
How bad was traffic? How long did it take to get to and from and what was your method of transportation?
All flights incoming to Harry Reid Intl Airport are being delayed
Spotted an Element in Netflix’s Look Both Ways movie trailer.
Only 3 pills left. What to expect?
Support Advice Please!
OT while or orientation vs abandoning the pt? Which is worse?
Are you currently in the car camping line because you knew camping opened on a day starting with “T” but didn’t double check?? You should have come on into the NO QUESTION IS A STUPID QUESTION THREAD for the Tuesday before W2!!!
The lack of medical presence is incredibly dangerous
PLEASE stop “walking it off” - sincerely, a concerned nurse