Oh waiter, more Ranked modes please!!
Stop with the “What do my skins” posts
too relatable
I don’t know why but I have a feeling that GTA6 may have more ingame micro transactions than GTA5/Online has. In todays gaming market, developers build on sales through cosmetics so I think there‘ll be more paywalls in GTA6/Online than ever before in GTA history. But we’ll see 👀
Is there more songs of him screaming at the top of his lungs? Like OMFG and Awful things for example
Who do you want the next Icon Skin to be? I will go first:
Am I the only one
What do my top 30 skins say about me?
Oh boy, a free skin!
Which game mode is the best in your opinion
I got a new skirt! :DD
Got bored and made a ranking based on how hairy some of the Fortnite girls armpits would be (head-canon)
What is Mike doing in Miami? is he the bay harbor finger?
Who do you think will end up buying it?
Imagine we had a STW PvP Mode where the one half plays as the husks and the other one plays as normal players and has to defend the data, shelter, bomb, etc.
Can anyone help me? I had a season pass at the start of the season as you can see in one of the screenshots but now I can only receive free rewards and I have the option to buy a season pass that I have already paid for
PSA: Try on your Kicks before you buy them
My dream gamemode
What do my top 20 skins say about me?
cmon epic, what are you guys doing?
What is your favorite Jax Teller look?
If skins like Lara Croft have this feature where her hair is adjusted when a back bling is equipped, why doesn’t Cassidy Quinn? Her hair makes all back blings look atrocious.
My wishlist for Fortnite collaborations in the future. What are your wishes?
Does anyone above the age of 14 use these skins?