A Warning Would've Been Nice
MMW: “Raygun” is going to be one of the most popular Halloween costumes this year.
Tried this line on a horse girl.
My girls is super into young thug. Found out she’s been writing him sexually explicit letters.
Walmart employee held his own
Do y’all know any effective ways in prevention to getting slammed?
It was a rough first few days, but I'm fully sold on it now
Shes Done Playing
Visiting Home 🇺🇸 for Christmas while the PS5 is back in Germany 🇩🇪. Super impressed how well it’s going.
Finally Got Them!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
The Portal can play video
Opp got caught lacking with his mom lol they told her “Control your son!” 😂
Payday 3 aim on ps5 is awful.
Village at the end of the valley [F3 / Gold 200]
Bitch lost her Rolex gambling in the street and gets mad at her bf telling him to get it bacc for her or else. Bitch u shouldn't have been gambling it ain't his fault
Gashed my leg open on my peg after this crash. Still confused how I got scraped up when I never fell off the bike. Will post 3rd person vid soon.
good hope cape [Minolta x700, kodak portra 160, rokkor 24mm]
Super 8 on a drone (Microflex 100 / Ektachrome 100D)
Hoover Crip Knocks Out Dude For Being Gay In His Hood smh
Can you recommend a small medium format camera that I can bring on vacation? || Kodak Gold 200 || Mamiya m645 || 70mm f/2.8
Gold Medal Mouth
Sony 1000xm4 comfort suggestions. I’m wondering if anyone has purchased aftermarket rubber tips for better fit and comfort. After about a hour of continued use the inside of my ears begin to ache. Good headphones but the fit is inconvenient AF.
Crematorium at the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp [Rolleiflex 3,5B / Portra 400]
Happy accident. HP5, Canon AE-1P, 50mm
(Canon Elan, kit lens, Portra 400)