Am I the only one who feels like this?
Do you like tourists?
Wat vinden mensen van therapie? Zou therapie een standaard onderdeel moeten worden van mensen hun leven?
Am I the only one who felt Seoul was quite overrated?
What is the most beautiful ocean place in the world?
How does Burmese society view the LGBTQ community specifically trans people? Are they accepted by their communities and families?
Vrouw in brand gestoken in Duitse tram
Met Joost in London
Am I the only one who found Seoul quite overrated?
What do westerners do that you find disgusting (and they don't realise)?
I started traveling at 22 years old and have been to 15 countries in the 8 years since.
Bredere bedden, grotere kleren: samenleving groeit langzaam mee met steeds zwaardere mensen
Joost Klein heeft beelden van songfestivalincident op telefoon staan en overweegt deze online te zetten
Colombia as a solo traveller
Imagine if there was a Sex Worker University. What sort of classes should it have?
Why is Romania so underrated?!
Expat couple
How are Native Americans seen in LATAM
Do Americans in 2025 still interact with people who have different political views, especially with Trump in power? Or has the divide become too strong for that to happen anymore?
Is er iets wat deze coalitie heeft bereikt?
Waar doen mensen het van?
Am I the only one who finds Seoul quite overrated?
The Sub literally has Australia in its name, accuses op of being sophistic r/legaladviceaustralia
Which cities would you say are in their prime right now?