We still have hope
stop passing the bus ffs
You a photographer? -I'm a combat correspondent.- Well, ya seen much combat?
Posting a manly meme a day until this sub comes back to life (Day 35)
Posting a manly meme a day until this sub comes back to life (Day 34)
Tiandi's kick is unpunishable
Bully me
Whoever this is in west deck, you suck
Posting a manly meme a day until this sub comes back to life (Day 33)
Posting a manly meme a day until this sub comes back to life (Day 27)
Who’s next?
fakie 270 5050 stall rocker in?
"Underground missions can't work because of the impossibility to call stratagems" - I got a solution: drillpods!
Friday Open Discussion Thread
Posting a manly meme a day until this sub comes back to life (Day 28)
Wtf is this?
How is my gameplay :D
What part of this pond would y'all target for bass?
Why does my roommate leave the toilet seat up?
Posting a manly meme a day until this sub comes back to life (Day 24)
Who else want to see these legends doing the best team up in moon knight season 2
Posting a manly meme a day until this sub comes back to life (Day 26)
Dining dollars refund
Did I fuck up?