Kiedy wychodzę na miasto, wszyscy leżą jak ciasto
My friend admitted to stealing from me
Sunglasses triggering an episode
Current dating culture is Pushing people beyond limits
Survey on the effects of the internet on dating!!
Rate my profile / give me feedback to improve
How important is a date’s speaking voice for you?
Player 976 - AMA - go watch episode 6
Best Bank Accounts for Students- The Netherlands
Exam Discussion: Language B (*Except: English, French & Spanish) SL paper 1
Who got a place at ebeb for September 2023 yet?
Application Progress Erasmus University question
Can youmake a case for or against promiscuity?
(M18). Just want to know if I’m a good looking guy
(M19) just wondering i’m overall good looking despite my ‘ethnic’ nose
Weekly Profile Review Thread
What’s something other people find sexy that you just can’t understand?
What’s up with the ‘no hookups’ bios but have photos like this?
Your username is your new diet. What do you diet on?
What's the least moral profession?
What is a fact that people are not ready to hear?
Which types of people are you sick of?