WW2 Death Card of Medic/Priests Corbinian Kneibl. (Killed in Soviet War Crime). Details in comments.
Water Shed at Utah Lake
plaza gomensoro, montevideo, uruguay, by me
Never gets old!
Train Bridge in Lethbridge, Alberta (Humans for scale in between trusses in middle right)
Abusive boyfriend steals keys how am I supposed to keep him out of my apartment
What’s your favorite book to read while traveling?
This is a weed, right? It's in the middle of the yard, but such a pretty color! What is this exactly?
What is this small plastic thing with round magnetic sphere shaped ends that I found when sweeping my floor?
Calamity hurt her leg last night somehow 🥺 she is staying at the vets all day, well wishes for her ❤️ will update in comments
Said goodbye to my best bud Spock this week. Combing through 12+ years of pics and wanted to share some.
My grandparents in the early 1940s, before being placed in Japanese internment camps for 3 years
Internet Archive's book scanner, Scribe
I'm going to my dream school, mom!
Any advice to make my walkcycle smoother?
I just went to order from coastline kratom and their website says they have “ceased operations, effective immediately” anyone know what happened and where else to get good kratom in capsules?
to make a wholesome dental advertisement
Can anyone id this plant from the seed pods?
Was supposed to go to Australia but I went to Utah instead
Horseshoe Bend
Working on a paper reflecting the management of chronic pain in primary care, and wanted input from those dealing with chronic pain
[TOMT][TV SHOW] [2000s] Preteen boy and girl visit animal characters in woods and a bison tells them classic stories such as Aesop's Fables
Wish you were here
Emotional support after surgery
How do I shift my "I hate myself" mindset into a "I love myself" one?