What song makes you feel like this?
If you got abducted by aliens what’s the first thing you would say to the aliens?
Do you think Reddit will last another 5 years? Why or why not?
What’s a word that people pronounce wrong that make you want to scream?
What’s the first movie you watched that made you say “shit that was emotional”?
What topic or subject could you talk about for hours without getting bored?
Who is the greatest fictional character of all time?
What’s your favorite day of the week?
What’s one pet peeve about someone that you don’t like?
What’s a documentary that was so messed up that you could not finish it?
If you had to fight every character you beat in a video game, how screwed are you?
The first letter of you’re name will determine what you eat?
what's the most nostalgic console that you used to play?
Have you ever watched the channel outdoor boys?
What’s one thing you got bullied for that you can’t control?
What’s a snack that’s discontinued that you loved when it was still around?
Those who turned you’re life to god, what’s the reason?
What do you think about trying to fall asleep at night?
What was the most nostalgic desktop game?
Those who broke the 5 second rule? Why?
Whats your favorite memory from childhood and why?
What’s was the most popular household game you played with your siblings when you were younger?
Those who watched the documentary of gabby petito on Netflix, how disturbing is it?
What’s the most useless holiday?
Back when live-streaming was a thing on Reddit, is there any legendary livestreams you remember?