found on instagram
What do you think of the design?
I have a question about my scar.
Red marks and dryness normal(one week old)
This is blowout right?
can this be covered up?
I dont get it?
Venom vs carnage tattoo by hilmartattoos. Based out of black anchor Los Angeles ca.
Drawn by me
Tattoos and AHAs/BHAs?
Tattoo peeling off
Palm tattoo healing
Ideas to extend this tattoo ?
Is my tattoo infected
Finally finished the death moth :)
Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you forth: Shenron!
Where on the body would you put this tattoo and what size?
It’s been a hot minute
Is this colour scabbing ok?
Tattoo x dance pratice
Need some tips on my first tattoo on fake skin
3 week old tattoo is insanely itchy and covered in hard bumps