A primer for singlets
What comorbid disorders do you have?
You ever wonder…
Internet systems
Put security pin through clothing
Smelly Crew Member
Employee lied to get me to sign up for a 2nd tj credit card
Why are support groups so hard to find?
TJ’s employees and their personal lives
I really need help!!
Thinking about calling tipline
Why is a sexless relationship bad, and what do allos do if the partner just doesn't want it?
Question about food.
When we’re on our break and buying something and the line is out the queue, are we allowed to jump the line to go straight to an open register?
TJX Fraud
is it possible for one alter to be a sociopath with zero emotions or empathy and another being the complete opposite - an empath of the finest?
Do you guys disclose information about your alters?
What's your Trader Joes parking lot like, did you get lucky or is it the infamous perpetual bumper to bumper tangle and torture?
How do i deal with my allo bf's libido?
Snake eye piercing
I don't think I *want* my boundaries respected? (CW brief sui/sui baiting)
I have no love for scalpers.
Found this, how do y’all feel about it? I think it’s ridiculous.
Trader Joe’s Easy Mezze - grecian eggplant, dolmas, & baked beans.
Should I ask for diagnosis?