*insert Indiana Jones theme here*
Don't Worry It Will Get Worse.
Guy couldn’t bribe someone to change their beliefs, posts selfie instead!!
Gotta hustle
Fucking found the most drippiest clothes ever
Does anyone know why there is a seemingly random car bomb go off in this car park?
Thoughts on the reworks?
You have to live with one of these DB villains for one year. Which one and why?
What would you do if frieza slapped your ass?
It’s the middle of night and you parched so you grab for your glass of water and you see him standing there BUTT BOOTY NAKED what’s your first move?
It this stays long Twitter is dead.
What would you do if SSJ Goku aimed a KI blast right to your face? What you doing next?
So they were racist and made a bomb threat? And you act like they are a victim?
Two of the Worst Far-Right Groups Are Now Fighting Each Other
Today’s Parler ad (Trump Cards #2)
MFW when I can't spill blood in the name of the Emperor
I hear they’re getting serious
Your favourite Primarch applies for a job at a fast food joint, how well do you see that going.
It's always the guns
Give your best 40k take that will get people like this
Also, please tell me if you want a serious answer, or a joke answer.
they haven't even told me it's name yet but i can safely say that i hate it with every ounce of my being
The copy paste blonde white girl has something to say… 🙄
Icon of Sin Tattoo!