My ranking of all the seasons. (1-5)
[Solo Farming In The Tower] G*od, I don't ask you to forgive me, just to understand me 🙏 .
Your last saved image is what they’re reacting to
Difficult isn't
fiona won! who is a *mostly well-liked love interest*?
The only reason I accept the first image, is the second image
I cosplayed ryusui for the first time what do yall think ?
Tsukasa's Markings
cloud guy won! who is a *universally beloved love interest*?
Two types of teachers
Which duo do you prefer?
3“Can I hug you?”:
[Her Summon] Does it get good?
So like... is anyone gonna save them?
What Dr Stone plot thread or weird take makes you have this face ?
Chrome Locked In
Sand art in a bottle
Reporter accidentally pushes microphone into Trump's face
True Color Image Of Every Planet In Our Solar System
Wakfu is currently in the ‘Everyone’s Watching’ tab on Netflix 🔥
Why did they play along for so long?
Recommend me something based off of the only 2 i’ve read
If you were to make another Good___Great___ game what would it be?
Which anime moment do you think will stick with you forever?
Kingdom hearts x devil may cry by Emdy. "Nobody May Cry"