דיון חדש במ
Step up your game
Turk == Greek = European == white
Brazil: Guerilla muslims take down and seize properties jew druglord
Humor refinado. Estou obcecado por esse vídeo
He was quite old
You call it hasbara propaganda i call it coexistence🫶
but but , size doesn't matter
This is a cool fish. I love this fish. This fish is my favorite thing. It deserves to live.
Kendrick once said and I quote:
Never judge a book by it's cover
The pigs show their true colors
I was watching asdfmovie and came up with this
עקב כשלים טכנים, אני מקדימה את המימס המדובר לעכשיו(לא בטוח לעבודה)
It came to me in a blunt rotation
Drive the Future
Schizo anon is upset with European Zoomer males
Rome vs. Greece
Israel has the gooners on their side, it's actually over for Araps
Mossad agents here, why send a drone after me today? Can't you take some juice jokes??
You are a cursed infidel, Assud. We will hunt you down like a dog and slaughter you like sheep.
Average millenial dating experience
YouTube Minesweeper Hard is crazy