How are my boobs always in the way???
Carina spending 20k+ on her “looks” for MAFS
Married at First Sight S12E29 AEDT live episode discussion
Are there any brands that you've gone off?
How to tell the difference between a legit massage shop and a happy ending massage shop?
Women of Reddit, what is the most offensive thing another female has ever said to you?
Women of Reddit, what’s the biggest myth that porn spreads about what women enjoy in bed—but you actually hate?
Are we still sharing what’s in our bags? 😅
Empire 40 caught in the rain
My favorite bag
You guys weren’t kidding about that Home Depot lighting
Please be honest is this straight up unhinged lol
Bag insert for empire carryall 40?
Has anyone put this on an empire carryall?
Calling all Empire 40 owners!
Bargain for the Australians!
Have a feeling recent buyer is going to be a pain in the ass.
What are we doing to help with car rides?
She’s here!!! ❤️🥀
Coach Wishlist chat
Does anyone have this charm and can show it to me on an empire 40? Possibly Merlot, but I just want to see if it’s way too small for the bag!
New to me bag. Vintage "Laurie". I love her so much.
What is a crazy sneaky way they looked at porn?
How to deal with feeling like I’ve lost my identity postpartum?