How good you guys(INTP folks) are with kids (around 5-7)
If you could choose the very next hero to be added, who would you pick?
what's your worst personality trait that you're aware of?
Tired of bully
Is learning languages one thing intps are good at ? What are intps generally NATURALLY good at?
Anybody super into films and/or video games?
How to spot an INTP
Question for female INTPs
Intimidated by the Free Weights Area – How Do I Get Over This?
Question further info of INTP
How is your handwriting?
What do you wear to the gym if you don’t want to draw attention to your behind
Are your music tastes diverse?
What are your weird but real pet peeves?
Is it worth going alone?
Anyone else think that comp is the most mentally draining experience as a solo ?
What is an INTP to you?
The longest line you've stood in for an autograph at any comic con
If you want to get better as DPS… you have to instalock
Why does no one let me merge?!?!?
Marvel Rivals - Toxicity
Just me, or are players incredibly toxic?
Why are customers in the food industry so incompetent?
Can someone recommend me a not so popular comedy movie that you personally think is good? Going through a tough time right now and I just need a little laugh.