Does anyone love their 12th house planets??
Jakob and Karolina
So did MAFS redeem itself after Denver?
Am I just getting old or is new hip hop not hitting the same?
Why isn’t it more common to bury loved ones on your property if able to waive property taxes?
Sweden, Germany, Mexico or Argentina?
If you had a 750K dollar budget to buy a house in Dade County, where would you buy it?
This season is way too long!
Emanuel has to be one of the most forgettable winners of the recent seasons.
Is Ikechi the MOST closed off person that's ever been on Married at First Sight?
Glasses ID help
Has anybody seen that blind item about Scotty?
natalie and why summer is still here
I DONT WANT TOO, but…. I’m starting to believe Ikechi…
Is Mahdi okay? He looks dead inside all the times
Im confused as to why Karla and Juan’s marriage couldn’t work
the confession… total blasphemy!
What do you think about ian Somerhalder
They need more “random people” on the show
Why do they almost always wait until after the pods to discuss really dividing and important things?
Any idea where season 9 is casting?
Anyone else notice how David’s confidence vanished when meeting Lauren?
what is your favorite earth sign?
We saw this one coming. Trump to sign order to make English official language of US
Tesekhi is getting the easiest paycheck ever!