Finally 3080 to 5080 Master
New 5080 setup
New 5080 build!
Ouroboros carabiner
Does anyone have the text code?
ZZZ Reddit Giveaway: Trick or Treat!
A challenge for you
Help choosing between two guns
Should I buy a gbb pistol as my first gun, hear me out
Which one is better?
Can this take a 11.1?
Thoughts on my collection?
How many bottles of cologne have you bought this year?
Good teams for black swan without kafka?
Looking for team ideas for memory of chaos, I’ve never cleared it before
Give me some team ideas please
[PSN] [H] rlcs dupes [w] to not have rlcs dupes
[PSN] [H] credit offers [W] stipple gait, crim tw fg orange gripstrides inverted, tw crim sb pink silvia rle, crim and purple fennec
[PS4] [H] credit offers [W] stipple gait, crim tw fg orange gripstrides inverted, tw crim sb pink silvia rle, crim and purple fennec
[H] credit offers [W] crim and purple fennec, stipple gait, tw crim sb pink silvia rle, crim fg tw orange gripstrides inverted
[#15][PSN] Anything-Goes Trading Thread (Paypal, DLC, non-RL Item requests and offers allowed here ONLY)
What are good tracer units for around $100?
Any recs for good sights?
Help choosing my first secondary