What's everyone's thoughts on Bring Me the Horizon these days?
LA Galaxy 0 - [1] Minnesota United : Kelvin Yeboah Scores at 18’
Watching this for the first time
Underrated Disney Movies
Juno (2007)
Favorite Emo guitarists?
Any other recs like Good Hangs and Like Roses?
What scene makes you laugh evertime ,no matter how many times you seen it ?
Does anyone else remember how ridiculously hard the 90s SNES Disney games were
The Ring (2002)
IF Just Surrender were to, say, do a reunion show in NYC…
What is the first film that comes to mind when you see Ralph Fiennes?
For the 35-45 crowd, what was your first CD purchase?
Help me name it
Your favourite pop punk cover?
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
Which is your favourite song that has a build up to the satisfying payoff?
What does this sub think about A Fever You Cant Sweat Out?
Do you think Covid stealing 3-4 years of our lives was particularly worse for millennials than other generations
The horror film that traumatized you the most as a child or teenager?
What noteworthy albums turn 10 this year that you are definitely gonna celebrate that anniversary
What is your f*** everything song?
These are the top 6 movies on IMDB, how would you rank them?