Pretty pleased with my pizza slice rug
Teesside art and landmarks
3, 2, 1, GO!
Recently did a pub quiz, and one of the questions was clearly more of a riddle/ puzzle, but i still don’t understand
Have you ever “seen something and said something”as per the message on the railways? Was it “sorted”?
Apparently it’s weird to be able to do this with your thumb.
TIFU by trying to find the owner of the money I found on the ground
Reminder the Soviet Union collapsed in 1992. America is $34 trillion in debt.
How do I remove the Mari lwyd mask?
USAID Falls, Exposing a Giant Network of US-Funded “Independent” Media
My streak was broken without me actually breaking it.
Maybe too weird even for this sub!
How can Time Lords ever die with time travel?
Thousands of angry farmers shut down London today as government imposes 20% inheritance tax
Why doesn't Doctor who run into any other timelords?
Americans went to war over tea, now nobody there wants to drink the bloody thing.
USS Preble firing her HELIOS laser weapon
Did you ever have a dream loop?
Drunk in charge of vehicle? England
[Request] Help me solve this please
most excited for this dood. I think he might play a significant role, maybe even be good. He doesn't rage-sprint. Also the contrast of the blue sky rapeseed field with his death-appearance is super eery. So excited for his scenes.
Sold landlords furniture due to a misunderstanding
What is a GP for?
Sandwiches in the UK are not meant to be bought.
ULPT: Can I use a lava lamp to heat my apartment??