The Sailing Councellor
Which of these "minor update" ideas I thought of would you guys want to see the most?
Is there a fix for this?
do somebody know why my helicopter go spinny like that.
JavaBeans Survival [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {1.16.5}
Java Survival Server [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {1.16.5}
Java Survival Server [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {1.16.4}
Didn’t think 2021 could get worse than 2020
Java Survival Server [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {1.16.4} {No Whitelist}
Does the game pause when ship is sighted or event happens (transmission, etc) while playing with no time compression?
Anyway to trigger this mission?
Not today
Bolt rope, extra line at clew? (see comment for context)
Furrgeons I guess
did i do a funny?
haha non weapons related meme go brrr
This game does not need guns, they do not fit in the game no matter how much people want them. What are you going to shoot at? Sharks? Ai which can’t even climb ladders? They would just block development of more important features.
How to Make a Dakota Fire Hole
I think I've made the most Omega-est tree. This took me faaaar too long.
Inspired by Iskall's omega tree, I decided to make my own. After many hours of collecting resources and building I have finally completed it. I think it might even be bigger than Iskall's is.
soo my engine somehow killed itself
Java Survival [Semi-Vanilla] {SMP} {1.15.2} {No Whitelist}