Kate and Lexie with a bunch of VH1 stars at a fan meeting event from 2010!!
Charisma Carpenter Hopes to Return for 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' Reboot
What did your Clementine became?
Did Xander have the worst luck of the Scooby Gang?
What's something that went over most fan's heads or it feels that way at least?
I don't wanna name names, but...
Thoughts on Maria?
Jess and Rory had the best chemistry!
TODAY is the Ides of March: exactly 2069 years ago, on March 15, 44 BC, Gaius Julius Caesar was assassinated after ordering the crucifixion of Xena and Gabrielle
Not feeling gay enough
I'm so tired being skinny fem gay
I'm 25, never had a boyfriend, never even been on a real date, and I'm just so tired.
Unpopular Saw opinions.
luke danes …a rant
Who are the defense attorneys you dislike the most? These two...just 🤢 I don't appreciate them, at ALL.
For how spoiled this sub calls Michelle anyone else think how mature Michelle handled her birthday Circus birthday being ruined in season three?
What were the final four words? Wrong Answers Only
Scream 5 and 6 are borderline bad compared to the first four.
What seperates Sidney Prescott from other final girls in the slasher genre?
Of the survivors after the opening premonition who were the first to die - who had the best death?
Rory is kinder and more patient with Paris than Paris deserves
Blonde Phoebe is iconic and her signature look imo
Why did Helen Shivers have much better writing than Julie James in "I Know What You Did Last Summer"?
Would Buffy, Xander and Willow mourn the loss of Cordelia if they found out?
Myah Marie Conspiracy!