You are cordially invited to a celebration of life for Jelaminah "Jela" Lanier's undefeated streak/BGC legacy. 2014-2025 and Bad Girls Club 2006-2025. RSVP for details.
The irony of all the “adoption is evil” posts from C&T.. The outcomes they’re HOPING Carly suffers from (so they can be right) relate directly back to their own families who are NOT adopted..
Why ask to schedule an abortion if you’re not going to show up?
the Clermont Twins turn 31 years old today
Need some inspiration
Erica….. 🤮
I'm leaving with one of these fellows by the end of my shift... Help me choose!
This episode is infuriating
AITAH for not standing up for my pregnant fiancée who ate my daughter’s cupcake ?
Don’t get me wrong: I adore Catya! She’s one of my favorite bad girls! 🫶🏻 But-
When Jenelle and Nathan decided to have a baby.
Found 2 unopened cans of the original four loko
sleep purgatory
Anyone not medicated?
this is awful
PA : Billboard is up!!!
Musk: “I’ve never done anything harmful.”
A mug rug!
Tattoo artist noticed moles at mid session. Now what?
Cannabis apron
someone curing meat on the sidewalk in South Philly
A Golden Mount Rushmore statue with Trump’s head on it on display at Mar-A-Lago: