One of the most underrated frienships
Cass Disrespect
If there was one thing youd change about the supernatural story, what would it be?
Under-appreciated episode— TWD “After”
Who's a character that everyone loves but u just don't get the hype? I'll start
I love this cast so freaking much
I love how they share their clothes
Ruby, Bella, Lucifer were all way more worthy of hate
To whoever stole this jacket: i hate u
Besides Jensen, which actor do you think best played Dean?
What is the worst idea in the show?
Recast a character
Let’s get the record straight: Sam loves Dean as much as Dean loves him, if not more
This scene made me bawl my eyes out
Spoiler: don't read if you haven't watched season 10 please but I have a question about it
What’s your unpopular Supernatural opinion?
If you blame one you have to blame the other too
I loved seeing Sam outsmart people like this
2008 called, they want their memory back
Sometimes i hate dean..
Winchester logic✨️
Starting the show
I love how they made them relatable when it comes to fear
The most irritating and the most hated person in the show