With the Master League back, are Black/White Kyurem performing as you expected?
Which one should I invest in? I don’t do PvP
Do you consider this a brag?
Smeargle Movesets
Garmin makes a fuckin beautiful watch.
Fuecoco Community Day - Event Overview & Special Research (LeekDuck)
Help please which mewtwo should I power up🙏🏽
Worth leveling?
which one do i invest in
Nike Pegasus Premium White/Volt
Worth evolving for great league?
Which bacon birb should I invest in?
Too big?
Is it worth spending 200 rare candies to power up to lv40?
I think I am ready to make the switch to Garmin from Apple Watch Ultra.
Which is better?
Genuinely no idea which to fuse
22 raids and not a single shiny or even a good iv…
Tell me this is worth the masterball...
not so much a brag, but a question.
I have to use the masterball bc of shitty catch rate
Anybody else lucky enough to get both shiny Kyurems
8 years and this is by far and way the worst event to date! There was absolutely nothing in this for the community and it cost a fortune for far least rewards than the previous two events!
Is anyone having fun anymore?
F You Niantic!!!