[Fit Check] Is this right…? My first professional measuring in almost a decade.
What is a children's food that you buy for yourself?
Poor Mary has to sit in economy 🙄
Surprise For My Boyfriend…
Honestly, I’m not even surprised
Bre about alanna
Unofficial PSA: Please give kids core London memories
Sorry... but their outfit combo is sending me 🤣
Nicole has one redeeming quality
Texas BBQ
When did you first sub to PewDiePie?
Buying London, are you watching?
How can Daniel be so ignorant and biased towards Lauren?
Is Bubblegum really only going to be on YouTube for a whole month before going to streaming?
Chrishell tickets dropped to £15
Mary is underrated
Chrishell story about disrespect... what could this be about ?
Where did Chrishell get these prices from?
I think I got sold a fake Jacquemus bag - is this fine how I handled it?
does anyone have bunnies camp photo cards?
One thing is still really unclear to me..
Which store will you never shop at again and why?
[NSFW] On December 14th, 2022 in Singapore a CCTV camera caught a child throwing a cat off the 22nd floor of a building.
Any uk server players
Ass shaking stimming
It's official for Chrishell and Gflip