Battlefield 6 Playtest info
WHTF IS WRONG with the skill based matchmaking
Anyone else run into this?
Is it true that the more attractive you are the less mahr you have to pay?
My first edit of a bf4 clip
This map is CRIMINALLY underrated
Massive W if its real.
Dude are u ok?
stop worrying about hoors 😭
Looks good from my house.
Cadillac Hood emblem on an ATS thoughts???
Autism with an intellectual disability
Rebirth Island is INFESTED with cheaters. Don't even try to play it.
Poor man’s version of air support .
Check out this humidifier I ran across today.
"Assist counts as kill" MUST turn back in next battlefield
What’s wrong with you guys who strip out every damn screw on every cabinet you come across? Do you have undealt with anger issues? How many times do you have to change the battery on your impact every day?
Their eyes see but yet they cannot see .
This is the criteria for my class presentation. What do I do?
The only correct way to recover
6.5 hrs of getting my ass kicked
Is it disrespectful to bring coffee to masjid during taraweeh?
Mom tight on money, said Dad had left a few cards in a lockbox…
I really don't understand social lives
This is my latest special interest: Let the comments decide!