Anyone else’s parents instil the narrative of sex being dirty and sinful causing a deep rooted sexual shame?
Why do I hate my dad sometimes?
What’s the worst thing your family has ever done to you?
My parents think I have changed.
Do your African parents treat your siblings the same or different to you?
Damn, I kind of feel bad for how unromantic my parents are specifically my dad. 😔
Is it a sin to go to concerts?
My boyfriend when my best friend friendship broke up with me , he is the best. Get this kinda boyfriend
Using Christianity and Scripture to Guilt Trip
Best exit from central station to get to USYD?
did your parents ever make you do their university work?
If you had to go to one concert, who would it be?
What movie do you watch when you want to feel better?
question about African parents
Saw a guy plating his food on a buffet tray
What symptoms did you have during Zoloft withdrawal?
Are you TIRED of having responsibilities
Is listening to leaked music a sin
Another “what does this verse mean to you..?”
What has actually helped your anxiety and yourself in social situations?
This note someone left after stealing an Uber Eats order
If you are looking for a sign this is it
The law kills but The Spirit gives life!
Where can I read the bible online?
Should we really be talking to God like a ‘best friend’?