Configurature: Simple, flexible, and powerful application configuration for Go.
Welche Technologie für UI bei Java-Backend?
Example on how to use migrations with golang-migrate
GAE Go - how to make html templates work?
Preferred way to test database layer with TestContainers
Package file/folder structure
Confused about DDD
BuildInfo is missing, but not when building locally
Question about load balancing different microservices
What are the most used template engines while working with Go?
Go enters top 10 in tibor index February 2024
The Gorilla is back
What is the best solution for generating TypeScript types from Go?
Go Project Structure
Real life use case for bitemporal data
Go 1.21 All you need to know
Secure Go Apps with Vulnerability Checking
My talk proposal got declined a few times. I’m trying to make sense, whether it has to do with the pitch, or it’s a topic the Go community is generally not interested to hear about.
Simpler way to develop CRUD apps?
Generate types for TS
Go 1.20 All You Need to Know
How to use to hyperscript to toggle between classes
My SaaS architecture (tech stack) on AWS as a solo developer
Can anyone help me on how you are using golang with databases in production systems?
Go Integration Tests using Testcontainers