First live song
stu cut his hair off
If you could be reincarnated as one of the band members, who would you be?
also joined the gator gang today!
Pick a song for each meme
What song do you appreciate more than most people?
gittertier hängt lässig an hauswand ab
Songs where the artist mentions one of their other songs
Elon Musk fick dein ...
song titles that get “…”ed by spotify when you’re on ur phone
Such an underrated album
what song comes to mind when you look at this picture ?
Songs with the word Song in the title.
A girl played No Surprises at the Waffle House I work at
I have a confession to make: The Silver Cord is the first Gizz album to underwhelm me.
Favourite artists/bands?
My Top 10 King Gizz songs (with a limit of one per album, in no particular order), share yours!
Stu and Ambrose just walked past me in Edinburgh
how is paul mccartney worth a billion pounds in 2024 but george had financial problems in his late career?
[Setlist Thread] May 16, 2024 @ Stadthalle · Offenbach, Germany
lost my verginity to sgt pepper, ask me anything
Favorite song transitions?
Well I tried
Anyone else can’t remember exactly what was the first Gizz record they listened to