Idk what flair to put for this
Dickinson hits Chytil hard from behind. Chytil struggles to get up and goes straight to the locker room. No call on the play.
Australia wants to offer Trump 'deal he can't refuse' after US slaps Australia with tariffs
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
does anyone hear the ominous whistling?
Mafumom comic(MTL by me)
Pretend the comment section is Kanade’s search history
What setting is this under Advanced?
When a boy gets arm pit hair when will he start to get (a bit) stronger?
What's the worst that could happen?
Let me tell you a story of my mom losing EVERYTHING because her Pixel 6 decided to die. (And why you need to check your recovery options NOW.)
Let’s be real here without trying to sugarcoat it, generally if a guy finds out that a girl likes him and he doesn’t reciprocate the feelings will he lose respect for her?
Would you date a tomboy?
Oh no
What if the beatles had fl studio
Oh! Ena has something to tell you again! What will it be this time?
what’s the ideal body type for a girl?
help me create a contact name for this guy?
What hobby or interest is full of assholes?
What's ur best response to "why do you always wear the same clothes"
What do you think about North Korea?
what are u doing? 😭
The 'You are my HERO!!' Event will begin on the 10th!
With Marchand being traded, who are players you thought would play their entire careers for one team but didn’t?
If you became a female but you could create your new body, how would you desgin it?