New to this community
The last thing you drank is her name.
Presto has some pretty facial fireworks.
People of Reddit what older names will people not be using for quite a while?
Should I leave over this?
Bringing this guy home soon. I have one idea but want other name options thanks!
How did your body change over time and how do you gracefully accept your bodily changes as you age? What's the mind frame that has helped?
Getting this little gal tomorrow! Help me name her!
Make me a professional
What comes to your mind when a man refers to himself as an “Alpha Male”?
What did you hate when you were younger and now you love so much?
If you were to eat only one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What do you want to be in your next life?
When was the last time you cried, and why?
Long hospital stay
Anyone else have a gang of Tuxies??
What are you proud of having done and why?
I'm not having the best day; please could you all comment with photos of your kitties?
Sandals La Toc, Grande St Lucian, or Saint Vincent?
What do you call your WIFI network?
Thin people problems
Has anyone moved to a warmer/sunnier climate and been cured or even seen symptoms massively improve?
Is it possible to feel love again after 40 while dating?
skincare/moisturizer recommendations?
Hi, I just read a novel and one of the characters was named 'Seraphina'. I think it seems like a nice name ( and no I'm not having a baby or anything) Just wondering if anyone else has hears if the name before?