Give me reasons not to sell my model 3 and get a 2016-2017 model S with free supercharging
Just found my old binder. How hard are these to come by? It’s not in the best shape but debating grading it for fun.
Best way to get windows cheap?
Went from a 13 pro to a 16 pro max. What are some features/hidden things I might not know about?
I audibly gasped.
Vegas “PSA” Vending Machine
Nice catch bro
Thought I’d share this here. Spotted these 6 years ago in Santa Cruz, CA.
They said there was no frame damage when they inspected the car. Is there something I can do to double check this?
I know I won. But this meta is so stupid😂
Anybody else hate this season with an undying passion?
This season release is the least played season release... since WILDS.
We just spent 3 hrs trying to change engine oil…
$220 for just an inspection? Is this normal for service?
This is probably asked a lot, but I’d like second opinions! Worth going for it?
I thought others would enjoy this.
I now have access to del taco.
$HOGE has remained active and is primed for return to ATHs
Not sure if this has been posted here. But too cool not to share!
Anyone know why exactly happened here?😂
What is the most iconic collab of an artist with Fortnite ?
15(m) is this a good amount to have at my age?
I’ve got a fever and the only cure is more Taco Bell
How long have you been playing
Me and my friends won a game where we cosplayed as 4 of the bosses and landed separately at their respective pois