Window Replacement
Need help with crate
When You Realize Your Semaglutide Vial Has More Air Than Medicine...
I'm definitely going with 4 day workweek with the 10 hour shifts please. With 3 consecutive days off in a row sign me up.
Is this tenant trying to convey a non verbal threat?
I’m done w stimulants
Security deposit and final ledger
Best tubing Mascara ?
AIO or is this kind of strange for my gf to do?
Meth vs Speed for ADHD for someone who never did amphetamines.
Drivers license steps as a 23 year old?
Constant lip irritation? Eczema?
Good Pho anywhere?
Help! Just got a new string of turtles but the soil is so dry, I can't losen it
Not sure which toilet to use
Found these on the back of my couch. Any ideas what it could be?
Could I be smelling a dead body?
FDA Ruling Question
Petahhhhh what’s going on here?
Thoughts on what this is on my hand?
Why do women flirt with my boyfriend in front of me?
Have you ever seen your husband cry?
Please help, I’m hopeless with color
I (25 F) begged my partner (28M) for an open relationship 8 months in, he left