What started out as a month long road-trip has turned into 8 months… I love this life!
Feeling sexy in my little home on wheels
Hot springs are my favorite
hot springs make me happy :)
Day 55 of my first solo roadtrip! Loving every moment
Car harness recs?
1 year later…
Big guy is feeling ruff after gastropexy.
The only two things I need in this world, my dog and van.
Found the perfect pull off spot in Wyoming to make coffee and watch the sunrise
New to vanlife, I feel like this is a good sign
My dog, Appa! He’s a Great Pyrenees and my best friend 🥹
His first picture in the fireplace and today
Smokey today. My KVD tattoo liner just ran out. Does anyone have any recommendations that are similar, but a bit more watery eyes resistant?
Makeup tips to camouflage sleep deprivation?
They call it girl dinner
What is for dinner tonight?
Pup in the tub!
Looking for some food ideas
Post a pic of your pyr being a total goof ball
End of day makeup
Anyone else’s Pyr squish themselves into the tiniest corners possible? 🤣
Pyr Paw Question
Filling out.
When his lips get stuck on his teeth and he makes the derpiest face 😂