Detailer day in the life
Electrical engineering or Sheet metal apprenticeship?
Career path as I exit the military
BDD C&P diagnosis
2017 kx250f clutch won’t engage
First sheet in awhile
Delinquent with Discover
Recommendations for car loan
ETS from KRF
Should I trade for a 250?
The Kirk the Niners were expecting vs the Kirk they got
Particles in suspension
"Baggers Work For Tips Only"
Let’s get some more work gats on here.
Golf galaxy year end sale, got this baby brand new for $300. Going for the same price on callaway pre-owned. Counting this as a win
He's really not alright
Can I go to BLC?
How do Soldiers become extremely overweight in Active Duty?
Sheet I made today. Yup, today. Not in 2002. ig: @caio.ruas
My favorite one so far
First painting in over a year! Could i get some constructive criticism?
What constitutes a bad unit?
Third one I’ve done. Thank you to everyone for being so helpful with all my questions
This weeks offerings
Helping mowing a yard