Alone In Tournament lol
Addon bug(ELVUI) - Can someone explain how i fix this?
Got banned for 7 days TTs:ing "Imagine nolife for 10days only to die in first raid".
What are some new addons you've found useful and enjoy?
Close call in DM east, Jokerd calls the run out
PirateSoftware's threat to the streamers who reacted
Why do so many want PoE2 to be a copy of PoE'1'?
[deleted by user]
Chat on/off… Wtf.
What are your hotkeys?
What's next to buy as ek
I guess our god gamer is just built differently!
Step on the scale quin (and zac)
The Hypocrisy Is Insane
One of us One of us - PepeLa
would love to see quin AOE2 arc.
With D4 starting noon his time, is Quin gonna abandon his family for D4 launch or wait next day to play?
Oh god. Did Grounded die for Dwarven Realms 1.0 release?
If someone asked you to grab an item off of the “second shelf”, which one would you pick and why?
Baseg fuck cyclists
NZ burger Dansgame
I think they are looking for recruits dadgamer69
CS:GO e-sports team from Sweden "Silver Snipers" sponsored by Lenovo with youngest member is 62 and oldest is 81
Send this guy to TwitchCon
Prankster MC gets what he deserves.
Hey Folks and Quin here's my Sheep farmer Settler entry for the art contest work in progress shots below, hope you like it