Went to the Caspar David Friedrich exhibit at the Met today
Ho to tighten the hem of a sweater pt. 2
How would you go about tightening just the hem of a sweater?
Zweifel an Verfassungstreue: Uni Augsburg kündigt dem Bundestagskandidaten der Linken
New Mercedes paint job
Both Trump and Biden have claimed to never had a single sip of alcohol ever.
Kites over Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin
Does this work at all?
Raccoon stealing my grades
That bridge post from the other day inspired me to post my collection of cranes.
Münster: Rücknahme von Aufenthaltserlaubnis wegen Hitler-Bild im WhatsApp-Status ist rechtens
Why do a few of my pictures come out like this, while most are good like that last one?
Yearbook rule
Male versions of the ick
Beginner Photographer
rs mascot
Ever saw medium format slides?
If you’re not counting and landing on each square while moving your piece, you’re not playing the board game properly.
Dasha is very generous!!!