Taking a stroll in Hollywood
This recipe asked me to preheat the oven then never mentioned using the oven
The White Lotus - Season 3 Discussion Hub
This is ridiculous (MTS)
Bill Burr Eviscerates ‘F—king Idiot’ Internet Trolls Who Say the LA Wildfires Were ‘Mismanaged’
What are some of the biggest snubs in TV/Movie awards history
Where are some of the strangest places you've fallen asleep?
OP strategy now that presidents are immune to jail!
OP strategy now that presidents can’t go to jail!
Caught my wife napping in the sun
Dune Popcorn Bucket Availability
Movies that were really good..majority of the time.. Only to drop the balls in the last act??
Cruise line apologizes after dozens of whales slaughtered in front of passengers
My friend got this tattoo…
Reminder of Jimbo's incredible physical humor with her UKvTW talent show performance
What annoying services do you regret signing up for the most?
Passport Questions & Issues Megathread (2023)
What have you wasted the most of?
What’s the biggest mistake you’ve watched someone make in their personal life?
Game Designer Job Requirements
A breaded lady
Found a homie in the wild 💦
The perfect impression of the bird that flew into my window (it’s fine)