Still no Shield box in Canada?
For those who don't sleeve scenario cards, have you noticed any wear?
Ready to start my new adventure in Tainted Grail Kings of Ruin
Canada update - the campaign is in stock
Agents of shield release date in Canada?
Yes Give me more Aerial Support!!
Is it worth getting Hemlock Vale Investigator's just for the bless/curse interactions?
Got the Drowned City campaign box today!
Anybody have any luck getting the new expansion in Canada yet?
Worst Heroes?
Marvel Lore question: Who are the Four Horsemen depicted in Age of Apocalypse.
Canada: Heroes World game store told methat Agents of Shield is delayed in Canada until 'Mid-March.'
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D is supposed to be released today, but does anywhere in North America have it yet?
How to build protection as new player
Do you prefer replaying investigators or trying new ones?
One hero to rule 'em all
Getting to grips.
Venom Goblin Expert
What are your go-to staples in each aspect?
Clear matte card sleeves?
We’re Doomed game!
Theory on who killed Cal
Deckbuilding in Arkham vs Marvel