Would you leave India if you were given 10 crores?
15 lakhs to invest for 6 months.
End of a cycle. Recession, here we come.
GOLD will Give many opportunities in next 10 Days
My Portfolio Performance...Am I the chosen one?
Portfolio turning REDDDDDD (from 7L profit to 7k).. FII f****ng retail investors' wealth
Simplest and strongest investment indicator
This is why i think Tata motors is a cheap.
Is there anyone in here who FIRE'd based on strategy, good stock picking, hustling, frugal living or becoming a monk, other than just CS bros earning millions from USD and flexing their ESOPs and RSU portfolio?
Indians are not retirement ready
Which is the oldest stock in your portfolio and why?
The six great Kannada KIngdoms from 0-1947 A.D.
Even journalists are RCB haters nowadays
[Post Match Thread]: India win the 1st T20 by 7 wickets
What to do with coffee Day ? (Context-CCD is in insolvency / bankruptcy )
I Tried a Social Experiment on My Neighbors, and the Results Were Shocking
What is happening in the uranium sector? + Break out of uranium price starting now (2 triggers) + uranium spot and LT price just started to increase
Why did Northern Karnataka lose its importance to Southern Karnataka?
guys is this normal 😭🙏
What are the Undervalued Stocks now?
Reddit user loses ₹6 lakhs in options trading, doesn't want to live... community unites in kindness | Mint
Two years of SIP investment and some occational lumpsums
Never mess with Ash Anna
Calling All Longterm investors....
Which bank is good for park the money and just forget about it?