Can we use Transfer/AP Credit for Unrestricted electives for E school?
Looking for free/cheap small group learning opportunities at UVA
Tzu Chi Collegiate Association (Buddhist Global Humanitarian Organization)
Psychology / Philosophy / Buddhism Groups at UVA
How to send a follow-up email to a professor that hasn't replied
Are the forage virtual SWE experiences worth it?
Room mate needed - UVA
Taiwan No.1 Xu Haohong beats World Ranking No. 1, 2 and 3 Consecutively to get Gold Medal in Asian Games Men's Individual
Any Go players in central/northern Virginia?
Social and Cultural Anthropology IA
Why is debate so hard?
ChatGPT--A Warning
Free PF Resources Website
The PF January 2023 Topic: Internal Armed Conflicts In West Asia
Practice PF January Topic
Debate Discord Server
January Prep - Case/Blockfile ( For Free Please, I can exchange GPC Prep)
[WTS] Ancient Roman and Greek coins, many military themed coins, gold solidus roman coin, two group lots, other ancients.
Got another foreign coin lot, but I can't identify these (or even *if* they're real or knockoffs). Any help would be appreciated.
Discord Server for Ancient Asian Coin (Including Chiniese) #Newly-Made-Discord-Server!
found this by the railroad track. Anyone know what it is?
Is this a Chinese coin. Found metal detecting
Does anyone know what year this coin is?
I don’t know if I’m in the right place but was wondering if anyone knew anything about any of these?
Bought these from a museum auction. Some are in really rough shape, but are any of them worth getting graded by PCGS?