am i in the wrong for wanting to go no contact with my father?
how easy is it to find quick volunteer opportunities while backpacking?
thoughts on my solo 2 week itinerary for china?
Can anyone tell me what this is? I got my wisdom teeth out six days ago. This little red bum has developed. I did a little drawing up top because you can’t fully see it in the photo but it’s this red bump with a little white on it.
Question about stitches
when can i have coffee?
ice coffee day 3 post op
A guide for reducing the risk of dry socket
Price check on limited edition albums?
what is your first impression based off my chart?
what placements/aspects show childhood to adulthood struggles?
Looking for a Good recommendation for a Kdrama series
wisdome teeth recovery time frame?
Looking for more astronauts! 21+ only!
if you feel bp signs coming back what can going to the dr do?
severe pain 4 weeks post-op?
seasonal work with no car??