For dual blades Godroll
After only about 20 rolls I got lucky …. Sns Godroll :)
Is SnS just bad?
Counterstrike or max might for meta sns build?
Freaking finally 500 or more rolls …
Burst 1 on greatsword build
Noob to the meta, looking for a solid Switch Axe build
Element Lbg priority
Min maxing 2 different longsword sets which is best ?
Opinions on white in traditional tattoos?
What’s the first thing you see in this modern tattoo I did?
Is Flayer still good for anything at all?
Will capcom ever release world, rise, and wilds as an ultimate trilogy kinda like gen ultimate?
I just had a hunt…..
What build should I use for this GS?
18M Roast Me im bored.
Is it too late to start over ?
I have only ever played CB and LS in any MH game. What weapon should I try to master next?
What makes a woman bad in bed?
Just rolled this charge blade is it worth keeping ?
Best Artian Switch Axe?
Gunlance meta build needs some work. Tell me what to do to perfect it.
Update I finally did this Intro one time on LS
This is my LS build it’s reading in at 65% affinity
Current best GS set